Exhale Vocal Engine VST [1.1.5] Crack KONTAKT Library + {Mac/Win} Free Download

Exhale Vocal Engine (KONTAKT) VST Crack With Full Torrent Download

Exhale Vocal Engine (KONTAKT) VST Crack

In the realm of music production, finding the perfect vocal samples to complement a track can often be a challenging and time-consuming task.

Enter Exhale Vocal Engine, a revolutionary software instrument designed to streamline the process of incorporating captivating vocal sounds into music productions.

In this article, we’ll explore the features, benefits, and overall functionality of Exhale Vocal Engine, shedding light on how it empowers musicians, producers, and composers to unleash their creativity and elevate their productions to new heights.

Understanding Exhale Vocal Engine:

Exhale Vocal Engine, developed by Output, has quickly gained recognition as a game-changer in the world of music production.

Built upon a meticulously curated collection of vocal samples, Exhale offers a diverse array of vocal sounds, ranging from ethereal pads and atmospheric textures to rhythmic chants and melodic phrases.

With its intuitive interface and powerful sound design capabilities, Exhale provides users with a wealth of creative possibilities for enhancing their music productions.

Key Features and Functionality:

One of the standout features of Exhale Vocal Engine is its expansive library of vocal samples, meticulously crafted by top industry vocalists and sound designers.

The software offers a wide range of vocal styles, including pop, R&B, hip-hop, electronic, and cinematic, ensuring that users can find the perfect vocal sound to suit their musical genre and style.

Moreover, Exhale provides intuitive browsing and searching tools, allowing users to quickly audition and select vocal samples that resonate with their creative vision.

Moreover, Exhale offers a variety of powerful sound design tools to customize and manipulate vocal samples to fit seamlessly into music productions.

The software features advanced modulation controls, including pitch, formant, and dynamics, enabling users to shape the timbre and expression of vocal sounds with precision.

Additionally, Exhale offers built-in effects such as reverb, delay, and distortion, allowing users to add depth, texture, and character to their vocal arrangements.

Another notable feature of Exhale Vocal Engine is its innovative playback engine, which utilizes granular synthesis and real-time processing to generate dynamic and expressive vocal performances.

The software offers intuitive controls for adjusting parameters such as speed, direction, and density, enabling users to create evolving and immersive vocal textures and atmospheres.

Additionally, Exhale features a built-in sequencer and arpeggiator, allowing users to create rhythmic vocal patterns and sequences with ease.


Exhale Vocal Engine (KONTAKT) VST portable

User-Friendly Interface and Workflow:

Exhale prides itself on its user-friendly interface and intuitive workflow, making it accessible to users of all levels of experience.

The software features a clean and streamlined layout, with straightforward controls and visual feedback that make sound design and music production a breeze.

Whether you’re a seasoned producer exploring new sonic possibilities or a newcomer to music production, Exhale provides a seamless and inspiring creative environment.

Performance and Reliability:

When it comes to performance and reliability, Exhale Vocal Engine delivers exceptional results, thanks to its efficient codebase and optimized processing algorithms.

The software operates smoothly within digital audio workstations (DAWs), with minimal impact on system resources, ensuring a responsive and lag-free user experience.

Moreover, Exhale undergoes regular updates and optimizations to address bugs, improve compatibility, and introduce new features, ensuring that users always have access to the latest enhancements and improvements.

System Needs:

  • OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10
  • HDD Space: 9 GB of free space required.
  • CPU: Intel Dual Core processor or later.
  • RAM: 4 GB of RAM is required.

How to Install?

  1. First, you have to download the program from the link given below.
  2. Now install the program usually.
  3. That’s it. Enjoy the premium features for free.


In conclusion, the Exhale Vocal Engine stands as a versatile and indispensable tool for musicians, producers, and composers seeking to elevate their music productions with captivating vocal sounds.

With its expansive library of vocal samples, powerful sound design tools, user-friendly interface, and reliable performance, Exhale empowers users to unleash their creativity and bring their musical vision to life.

Whether you’re creating pop hits, cinematic soundscapes, or experimental electronica, Exhale offers the tools and inspiration needed to craft dynamic and memorable vocal arrangements that captivate and engage listeners.

Download Link:

Click Here


Workaholic, loves to drink, part-time musician, full time writer, A symphony of laughter and caffeine runs through my veins ☕🎶 | Making memories and chasing dreams with a sprinkle of sparkle ✨

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